1:1 Coaching

Looking for a more personalized approach to working on your core and pelvic floor and improving whole body movement? Sign up for 1:1 coaching with me.

What Happens in a 1:1?

In these sessions I take a whole body approach to helping you reach your goals, whether you’re dealing with prolapse, hip pain, neck and shoulder pain, foot pain, or more. We will look at not only how you move when you exercise but how you move throughout your day to discover movement blind spots and compensation patterns. With tailored exercises and tips, we will unravel your movement patterns and give your brain a new map to your body.

First consultation is 1 hour and 15 min. Subsequent sessions are 1 hour. After each session you will receive tailored homework with videos so you can continue your work between our sessions.

1 Session for $90

4 Sessions for $342 (5% off)

8 Sessions for $648 (10% off)

Can be scheduled as Zoom or In-Person sessions. Use the scheduler to the side to get scheduled today!